Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Time Counter

Hi Everybody I made a Time Counter as for many people have different requirement of counters to be used in their projects.

My time counter is very smooth scrolling with the help of little bit implementation of NSTimer and UITableView.

You can also try making a sample project using my Reusable Files and can make it more useful with some modification.Customize it according to your requirement and use it for your project need.

DO NOT FORGOT TO IMPORT QuartzCore Framework

TimeCounter.h File

TimeCounter.m File

Using TimeCounter

Here you can get Sample Code

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

UICircularProgress Bar for iOS



View Controller Containing code to use it

Saturday, 16 March 2013

IOS Rating Bars

Rating Bars



You have to download three images named :-


for these file to work.


You can have Sample Project

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

UIComboBox For iPhone.

I have made custom file by using which you can use UICombo box in ios code.Let the code begins.



Using Code:-

To use these files,you need to create instance of UICombo Class and pass items and textColor as parameter as given below:

NSArray *itemArray=[[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:@"BMW",@"Ferrari",@"Swift Desire",nil];

UICombo  *combo=[[UICombo alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(10, 30, 200, 30) andItems:itemArray andColor:CBBrown];

and At Last add it as subview to your view on which you want to display it.

[self.view addSubview:combo];

These combo includes methods to addItem , InsertItemAtIndex,removeItem,removeItemAtIndex,
refresh combo etc.

Note:- Include QuartzCore framework.

You can have a sample code IOSCombo

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Stock Ticker

Stock Ticker is simply a file that will allow to pass views and number of views to get display on your tickerView.

Ticker you have always see on pull down shutter in your iphone.
Here I have passed stock Views and Currency views.
You can pass your views to display.This is a continuous object display.No space will come then ticker ends.It will continue with first object of the ticker Views array.


Using:- To use it,import StockTicker.h file in your code window.Made an array of UIViews or UILabels whatever you want to display as objects on your ticker.


  Make TickerView instance as

  Set its properties as

  Implement its delegate method as:

Stock Tikcer.h 

 Stock Ticker.m  

You can have a sample code StockTicker